Mediabank Distributor is a robotized cabinet arranged for
the distribution of Multimedia Products: Videocassettes, DVDs, CDs with games for
Playstation, Music CDs. It occupies an area of about 1 sqm., is 2 metres high and
is available in various configurations, equipped with a wide range of options. It can be placed either in traditional videorental oulets
or in supermarkets,
petrol stations, news agents, computer shops, tobacconists
and take away pizzas shops.
Our machines are guaranteed by the CE and TUV-UL marks

The dual slot Mediabank system optimises the use of space in
the machine because the items are filed in modules. Each module can contain one VHS
cassette or two sleeves for DVDs, CDs or any other kind of product compatible
with these supports.
The Mediabank distributor offers a choice of combinations
of multimedial items and has a variable capacity of from 287 VHS/561 DVD to
839 VHS/1812 DVD. It is possible to install one or more selectors
with all Mediabank models.
When the machine is an integral part of a videoclub
activity it is usually managed from the inside of the shop through a
local network. When it is installed remotely it may be
distance-controlled by a Videogest through a remote control.
The operation is very easy.
The man-machine interface consists of graphic screens
that guide the customer in the browsing of the machine store and in the
rental and purchase operations. The user inserts a magnetic card into the
card reader-writer slot of the distributor or the selector and gains
access to the main menu.